6 Benefits of in-home physiotherapy

Often Physiotherapy is seen as something that can only be accessed if people can make it to the clinic. However, most physiotherapy services can easily be carried out in your home. Treatment in your home does not differ from in-clinic treatments as all available clinical modalities and treatment tools can be brought to you.  Home-based rehabilitation is a great solution for people experiencing severe pain, mobility issues that limit leaving the house or even people that are strapped for time. It can be especially helpful if people are having difficulty in day to day activities such as walking, climbing stairs or getting in and out of bed. 

Here are 6 reasons why in-home physiotherapy may be right for you:

1) Highly personalised care

Assessment is the foundation of any initial physiotherapy appointment and forms the basis for ongoing treatment plans. Often issues such as couches, chair heights, the age of your mattress/pillow can make a significant impact on your daily function. With in-home physiotherapy, it is easy to assess what issues may be contributing to your pain or difficulties functioning and help with possible solutions.

Often client goals are around day to day function within their own home - there is no better place to work on this than in the exact location they need to improve. 

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2) Eliminates Obstacles

In-home physiotherapy eliminates barriers that can prevent people from being able to access adequate care. These include barriers such as fear of leaving their home, difficulties travelling to a clinic or mobility issues as a result of disability, illness or injury. Mobile physiotherapy makes it possible for people to access and benefit from physiotherapy, regardless of obstacles that may stand in the way of receiving care.

3) Safer for High-Risk Individuals

Many people who are considered high-risk clients could put themselves in an unsafe environment by receiving onsite physiotherapy services. Possible reasons can include an illness or disability that impacts their mobility or an increased risk of infection in public places. In-home physiotherapy allows these high-risk clients to benefit from physiotherapy in the safety of their own home. 

4) Convenience

Anyone who is pushed for time, works from home or looking after children, an in-home physiotherapist can be easier and more convenient. You can forget the travel time to and from a clinic or having to entertain your children in an unfamiliar clinical setting. Simply put, having a physiotherapist come to you makes one aspect of your life that much easier. 

5) Involving your Support System

When therapy is delivered in your own home it can be easier to recruit and train a family member or caregiver to help with your treatment plan. For some people, this can mean your chances of success increase. 

6) Equal Access for People with Disabilities

We are all entitled to have the ability to access the support and care we need.  An in-home physiotherapist can eliminate some barriers with accessing appropriate care within the community for those with disabilities. 

If you feel you or a loved one would benefit from an in-home physiotherapist, please contact us today at admin@therehabteam.co.nz


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