What is Neurological Physiotherapy?

There are many different areas of physiotherapy these days. One specific area is neurological physiotherapy. Neurological physiotherapy involves the specialised assessment and treatment of movement disorders and impairments that result from damage to the brain, spinal cord or neuromuscular system. Damage to these areas means that messages from your brain aren’t reaching the affected parts of your body. This can result in muscle weakness, loss of function, altered sensation, decreased balance and uncoordinated movements. 


Neurological physiotherapy works to improve these message pathways and make new pathways through repetitive actions and exercises. This concept is known as neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is defined as the ability of neurons to change their function, structure and chemical profile. 

A Neurological physiotherapist is an expert in analysing abnormal movements and impairments resulting from brain and spinal cord damage. They use current evidence based rehabilitation, exercise and retraining of key functional components of movement in order to maximise your functional ability and quality of life. 

At The Rehab Team, we are ready to help you achieve your goals, answer your questions and be apart of your rehabilitation journey. Contact us today at admin@therehabteam.co.nz


6 Benefits of in-home physiotherapy