Telehealth physiotherapy: What is it? Is it right for me?

Are you curious to know how physiotherapy consultations are performed online? Do you wonder what physiotherapy can do for you without the hands-on experience you typically have access to in face-to-face consultations?


At the beginning of the worldwide pandemic caused by COVID-19 back in 2020, I was asking myself the same questions. With borders closing, lockdowns left, right and centre and large uncertainty around our ability to continue to treat our patients as we had always done face-to-face, I thought I better investigate if online physio sessions could be a viable option for delivering physiotherapy services. Could it even be a better option than in-person treatment?

So, first up, what is “telehealth”? No, it isn’t a channel on TV talking about health. Dad jokes aside, it isn’t entirely clear from the current wording. The American Physical Therapy Association defines telehealth as the use of secure electronic communications to provide and deliver a host of health-related information and health care services to patients and clients. To simplify it further, it is a secure video chat consultation with some additional features to conduct what would normally be a face-to-face medical appointment.

How does it work? 

At The Rehab Team, we have a smart and simple web-based software system that sends out a link automatically via an email when you book online or your appointment is set up by us. We have tailored that email to include all the information you may need prior to the video consultation, including a link to our FAQ on our website, and most importantly, the link for the meeting itself. We also send out automatic email reminders the day before your appointment, along with these links. When it’s time for your appointment, you just need to click on the link in the original or reminder email or straight from your calendar appointment. You then pop into either a waiting room (until your physio signs on) or straight through to the video call (if they are ready). That’s it. It’s that easy. No downloads and no hassles!  

Once we are connected, the appointment starts and from here we can discuss the issues and history of the pain or trouble you are experiencing. Please note that we assess a range of movements including aggravating and easing movements and postures, so you do need appropriate clothing and some space available and a camera set-up to see you well. 

As we gather all that information, it helps us to formulate a diagnosis and allows us to provide a treatment plan, including specific and clear education and advice, self management strategies and a tailored exercise program. Our exercise program is delivered by a free app that you download, this has all your exercises, auto updates when we add, and change or update your program. It can measure adherence and there are lots of other cool features on this app for helping improve your rehab journey.

If you feel Telehealth Physiotherapy is right for you, head to our Telehealth Physiotherapy page to book online today.


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